Resolving your complaints

If you think we have let you down in any way, or our service is not what you expect (even if through one of our agents or representatives), please tell us so we can help. You can tell us by phone, in writing or in person. Should you tell us in writing it will help to send us the full details of your complaint together with any supporting documents and an explanation of what you want us to do. If you would like to come in to talk to us face to face, please call and we will arrange an appointment for a meeting.

Accountancy Insurance:

Phone: 1 800 353 3750
Postal/Office: 90 Sheppard Ave East, Suite 610, Toronto, ON M2N 3A1


What we will do to resolve your complaint

When you first let us know about your complaint or concern the person trying to resolve your complaint will listen to you, consider the facts and contact you to resolve your complaint as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours.

If you are not satisfied with this person’s decision on your complaint, then it will be referred to the relevant Operations Manager, who will contact you within 5 working days.

Should you not be satisfied with the Operational Manager’s decision, then it will be referred to the General Manager (or their delegate). We will send you our decision on your complaint as soon as possible and, in any event, within 10 working days from the date you first made your complaint.


What if you are not satisfied with our final decision?

We expect our procedures will deal fairly and promptly with your complaint. However if you are not satisfied with our final decision there are external dispute remedies such as mediation, arbitration or legal action.

If your complaint is in regards to the insurance that has been arranged, we also bring your attention to the Lloyd’s Complaint Protocol. For a copy of the Lloyd’s Complaint Protocol click here.