Canadian CPAs Now Able To Apply For .cpa Web Addresses

Canadian CPAs and accounting firms can now apply for .cpa web addresses thanks to a decision by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) to offer the web domain to its northern neighbours as from November 2. To be eligible, the CPAs and accounting firms must be duly licensed. AICPA has confirmed that preferred names will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

The AICPA was granted ownership and oversight over the .cpa domain by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in 2019. ICANN is a non-profit organization that coordinates, maintains, and oversees the internet naming system, ensuring a safe and stable operation. By awarding AICPA the .cpa domain, the intention was to help CPAs in different parts of the world better connect with their clients in an environment that is trusted, secure, and verifiable.

The .cpa domain is part of the growing trend of top-level web domains (TLDs) that are gaining traction as a means for branding and boosting cybersecurity. TLDs refer to the few letters at the end of a web address that can be used to define a specific community. Because the .cpa TLD is under the administration and control of the AICPA, it does provide enhanced security as only those that meet the eligibility criteria may register. Thousands of CPAs and accounting firms in the US have already applied and have been making use of this TLD since its launch in September 2020. Canada is one of the select new countries that will be able to begin partaking in the benefits of this TLD this year.

According to the president and CEO of, Erik Asgeirsson, these registered domains help to build greater trust and credibility with clients and the public, providing stronger branding opportunities.

Branding is a key concern for any business and with the new TLD, Canadian CPAs and accounting firms will be able to build a more credible and memorable online image that will set them apart from the competition. The use of the .cpa domain will also help create a more professional image that the public will feel safer engaging with.

Becoming a licensed CPA is a tough challenge. Those that are qualified have long struggled to earn their credentials and being able to distinguish oneself thanks to the .cpa domain can be another accomplishment worth pursuing. CPAs and accounting firms will be better able to promote their brand and stand apart from the crowd in what is a highly crowded digital marketplace.


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